Prints: Landscape studies
Work made during the pandemic lockdowns 2020-21
It is important for me, like many artists, to study and learn from nature - and I returned to making landscape studies, in addition to my other work, during the pandemic. Stuck for many months in Manchester during lockdown I thought a lot about getting away, like many, to the natural environment.
I use these studies to inform some of my other work. They are all of places that I have shared with family and friends over the years, so they hold special memories and meaning for me. Years ago I used to go outside and create directly from nature (watercolours and pencil drawings) - but these studies were 'painted' digitally at home, because I couldn't travel, from my own photos. They are mostly of Dorset (where I grew up and still visit often), around Manchester (where I now live) and special places on my travels (such as the mountains in Norway and Switzerland).